PNWHA welcomes Homeopaths, Students, Consumers & Supporters

Current PNWHA Members:

Karen Allen, CCH

Chris Andreshak

Cailee Anello (student)

Linda Baker

Barbara Bansenauer, CCH

Lise Battaglia

Cindy Bloom (student)

Michele Brookhaus

Douglas Brown, FNP, CCH

Kathleen Butler, MSW

Ashley Corey (student)

Martha Diehl, CCH

Jayne DuBois

Marion Dumont (student)

Tami Dunn (student)

Jane Dyment

Diana Franklin, CCH

Helga Fuller

Melissa Garrity

Aurea Herman

Amber Howard (student)

Kathleen Hurd

Tammy Johnson, CCH

Crystal Kanarr

Mandeep Kaur

Carol Kautzmann

Patricia Kay MA, CSD, CCH

Joleen Kelleher, CCH

Susie Killian

Stephen King, ND, DHANP

Connie Kiser (student)

Barbara Kreemer, ND, DHANP

Karen Lawson, CCH

Lydia Beth Leimbach

Dianne Lowe

Jennifer McLaughlin

Nancy Mercer, ND

Lynn Mikel

Dianne Miller

Paula Mitchell (student)

Deborah Monlux, CCH

Michele Morgan, PhD

Courtney Newton

Andrew Peterson

Etta Pinkens

Gail Quinn (student)

Teresa Rafael

Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, DHANP, MSW

Will Rogers

Valerie Sadovsky, RSHom(NA), CCH

Kausar Saiyed (student)

Annie Schinnerer (student)

Heidi Schor

Tim Shannon, ND, DHANP

Noah (V) Shinneman

Namita Singh

Denice Smith, ND

Deb Snider, CCH

Margery Stearns, CCH

Debbie Swanson, ND

Aurelie Vancauwenberghe

Marianna Villa (student)

We now have a public Facebook Group for PNWHA! We can connect and communicate with each other here and invite our clients, family, friends and neighbors to join us. Pacific North West Homeopathy Association | Facebook

Special Note to Members: Of course, to participate you need to have a Facebook account, which is quite easy to create. Once you set this up, you can join the group.

There are lots of ways to use this form of social networking for our particular needs and benefits:

  • We will be able to easily ask each other questions about cases,
  • We can share information on remedies,
  • We can inspire each other with insights and ideas about a remedy, an aphorism, a way to see the core of the case,
  • In short, we can send along information we want to pass on about our beloved homeopathy to strengthen our practices and to promote the profession.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Dr. Michele S. Morgan, Ph.D.

PNWHA Board/Membership & Social Media